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  • Ouvertüre: Von Eimern und Wellen

    Ich möchte meinen neuen Blog mit der Zusammenfassung eines Workshops für Medienschaffende beginnen, weil hier Vieles auftaucht, das für meine Arbeitsweise charakteristisch ist. Nachlese zum Workshop: Gute Stimme – gute Beiträge Es......


Julia Kokke M.A. – Sprachwissenschaftlerin – Graebeweg 24, D-31737 Rinteln

Telefon +49 (0) 5751 8791868



Julia Kokke M.A.
Lade Veranstaltungen
  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
04 Dez

Live Online Training für Lehrkräfte (LUX): Free Back – Free Neck – Free Voice: Awareness Through Movement for Teachers (Code: B1-a-10)

4. Dezember 2023 @ 16:00 - 13. Dezember 2023 @ 19:00

English version of Freier Rücken, freier Nacken, freie Stimme: Körperorientiertes Stimmtraining

Awareness through movement affects the human being as a whole. The exercises help you to meet the physical, vocal and psychological challenges of your professional life in a more relaxed and flexible way. Psychosomatic and motor complaints such as back pain, neck tension, exhaustion and voice problems can improve considerably with this efficient method.
These lessons are used in health care as a relaxation technique as well as in pain management and rehabilitation, but also in voice, dance, theater and music education, in martial arts and many other sports.
For the Israeli physicist Moshé Feldenkrais, thinking, feeling, perceiving and moving are inextricably interwoven in human action. For him, movement was an expression of the whole person and thus the optimal approach to achieve improvements on all levels.
The focus is on the perception of movement. You will learn to recognize adverse patterns of action that shape your everyday life and to find alternatives. By becoming aware of your own actions, new possibilities arise for body and mind.
Guided lessons help you move more easily and efficiently. Somatophysical learning processes are supported, your self-perception and movement coordination as well as your voice sound improve.

Further information and registration



Datum: 4. Dezember 2023 @ 16:00 - 13. Dezember 2023 @ 19:00
Zeit: 16:00 - 19:00
Ort: Formation en ligne – IFEN
Organisator: Institut de formation et de l’éducation nationale (IFEN)