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  • Ouvertüre: Von Eimern und Wellen

    Ich möchte meinen neuen Blog mit der Zusammenfassung eines Workshops für Medienschaffende beginnen, weil hier Vieles auftaucht, das für meine Arbeitsweise charakteristisch ist. Nachlese zum Workshop: Gute Stimme – gute Beiträge Es......


Julia Kokke M.A. – Sprachwissenschaftlerin – Graebeweg 24, D-31737 Rinteln

Telefon +49 (0) 5751 8791868


Voice training Tag

Julia Kokke M.A.

Live Online Training for teachers (LUX): The art of reading aloud: Captivating narration – exciting interpretation Groupe B

Reading aloud is something wonderful. Be it that you want to tell children a fairy tale or captivate adults with a story. However, the realization quickly matures that it is not enough to pronounce the sentences and words correctly. In this workshop, participants learn to read aloud in a more creative and lively way. Body, voice, agility, imagination and joy are the basis on which they can discover new design possibilities for their linguistic expression. Simple exercises for voice training enable the reader to develop a rich voice sound with minimal effort. Relaxation exercises help them cope better with stage fright and feel more comfortable reading overall. Slips of the tongue, shortness of breath and other vocal signs of tension are reduced....